Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What is Psychic Ability

   Before I begin to give my personal insight behind the meaning of the term Psychic Ability, I would like to first begin with its basic definition. The word Psychic is derived from the Greek word "Psychikos" meaning from ones mind or a mental sensitivity. Psychic ability is an ethereal perception if you will, that goes beyond the normal senses. It has always been my belief that we all have different levels of psychic ability which is influenced by three main occurrence's.:

Meditation practices and guidance

Traumatic experiences


   My mother for instance was world re known Psychic Yolanda Bard. Through practicing and honing her inherit skills and guided by some of the leading experts of her decade such as Hans Holster, she was able to help thousands of people who sought her advice. When I was a child, she told me that she recognized the gift of insight with in me. I took it as a grain of salt just like any other kid would have even though most kids did not grow up around tarot card readings, exorcism's and seances. It wasn't until my years in the army that i truly began to realize that I had a keen sense on intuition (when you grow up being the son of a psychic, you take phenomenons and strange occurrences as the norm.) . This insight helped me through different episodes of my military career, including saving my life.

   We all have psychic ability and with the proper training and practice can take this ability and mold it into an amazing skill. To know if you have a good foundation to build upon, one must only look into ones past to see the clues your insightful ability has left behind. Take a moment and look back into your life and ask yourself if you have ever had one or more of these experiences:

Have you ever sang a song while driving only to turn on your car radio and hear that exact song playing on the air?

Did you ever have a dream that actually did come true?

Have you ever thought of someone only to have them call you on the phone or bump into you a few minutes later?

On a more serious note, have you ever thought of someone and felt sad that you have not seen them in a while only to find out they have passed away some time later?

   These are just a few examples of what my professional experiences has deemed to be of the Psychic realm. One can inherit this trait as I have and my children have. There is no difference between being a natural athlete, musician or an intuitive. Your innate psychic awareness can also be awakened and amplified by associating yourself with other psychics. Have you ever been with a group of people that always seems to attract unexplained occurrences? Have you ever been friends with someone where you both are able to know what the other may want or maybe be able to finish each others sentences? We take relationships for granted thinking once we know someone, their actions are predictable, but ask yourself how are your predicting their actions, with your mind or with your intuition? My wife as an example, has evolved with her psychic ability even though she does not practice simply because she is surrounded by psychic energy on a regular basis.

   When an individual has a traumatic experience, it can cause a shift or an unlocking of psychic ability because a traumatic experience shocks all of the senses to be open, aware and react to the dramatic situation that has taken place. Through out my career, I have come across people who have had unfortunate events occur to them. From near death experiences, to violent acts of physical and mental abuse. I have been told by peers in the field of psychology that people who have had these traumatic experiences can not cope with the reality that has happened to them, so they make themselves believe they have special powers and abilities to see things that others can not in order to regain some type of control they feel they have lost. I find it curious that these same peers can not explain why some of the people they have mentioned can predict things that are about to take place or know what others are thinking. Their only answer is luck. By the way, these peers have asked me for my psychic advice on several occasions.

   An individual can simply become interested in psychic ability and begin to purchase books and attend seminars on the subject. The sheer fact that you are interested in the psychic realm is proof that deep down, you know that there is another level to your human experience and you are in search for some answers. If you take a trip to Egypt, you will most likely experience the pyramids. If you hear a sad song you will probably experience tears and if you research paranormal subjects you will most definitely experience
unexplained occurrence's in your own life.

   It is my hope that people become more aware of their true potentials. Whether you believe in the power of Psychic ability or not know that true power comes from knowledge. As my mother use to say " the more you know, the more you grow" and to you I say the more you see, the more you experience.

Your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard


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