Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Do You Have To Be A Saint To Be Psychic?

I was born and raised in New York city. I have traveled the world with offices in California and Japan, yet my accent still sounds like a New York accent. Doesn't seem surprising does it? Just because I have traveled the world and experienced different cultures, foods and life lessons, it doesn't mean that my accent would change. I may grow and evolve in many ways, but there will always be some things that will always stay the same. When people ask me if they have to refrain from cursing or eating meat on good Friday in order to be psychic I usually smile hoping they will understand and start laughing. Psychic Ability and being spiritually elevated are two different things. Now don't get me wrong, if you lead a negative life or live a destructive path, not only will you not develop your psychic ability, you wont develop at all. That is de evolution not evolution. Remember that psychic ability is an ability not a religion. Do you have to be a good person to run fast? Can a Rabbi break dance (the answer is yes, he is a good friend of mine and is very good dancer)?

   Intuition is a part of us just like our arms and legs are. In order to strengthen our bodies we must exercise on a regular basis to build and maintain. In order to be more intuitive, the exercise that is necessary is to not work hard, not to strain but to simply let go. Intuition is a realization, an awakening to an invisible realm that our eyes blind us from.

   Now once intuition is attained, you will always be able to access it, but the positive and negative actions that you participate it can affect how strong your intuition will be and how long can you connect to it. If you live the life of a saint, you are no longer affected by the woes of earthly possessions and guilt. The enlightenment and insight you posses would be beyond that of an average man. If you live the life of a cretin, you live a life of loneliness and demise and your insight is lesser than that of an insect.

   I personally believe that I am a good man with good intentions. I do my best to serve others and help those in need, but there are times my New York side comes out. I may tell you how it is, shooting straight from the hip. I may censor my words from time to time. I may not look both ways before I'm crossing the street, but does that mean my Psychic ability will disappear? I may get hit by a bicycle (by the way it hurts) and have to reschedule my readings for the week, but it doesn't mean that I loose my ability of insight. What it means is that I am a human being, always learning and always evolving.

  Always try to be the best soul you can be, it can only improve your abilities to evolve. Know that it is ok to make mistakes, it doesn't change who you are. Mistakes are our teachers to help us move forward. We sometimes feel strong and we sometimes feel week. There is always room to improve. At the end of the day, you are who you are and if you got it, you got it. I know I do and I know you do too.

your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard

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