Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Psychic and Critics, friends or foes?

From Pharaoh and Moses to Jay Jonah Jameson and Spider Man, whether reality or fiction, for anyone who claims to have super natural ability there is a critic that claims they do not. This comical and symbiotic relationship can be traced back to the humble beginnings of mankind. There are those that believe in what they see while there are others who believe in what they can't see. I am always asked how I deal with critics and I find people to be shocked when they hear my answer. I absolutely love my critics. They are an important part of my career as a Psychic for several reasons. The foremost reason begins with the simple laws of duality. There can not be light with out the dark, there can not be day with out night, good with out evil and believers with out disbelievers. I take my job seriously so it is only natural that a critic will not take me seriously. I have a purpose, to give credit to what can not be explained and a critics purpose is to discredit what I give credit to. The way I see it, if it wasn't for me, there would be many critics out of a job and I could not let that happen.

   I have been a working Psychic for over 32 years and my mother before me. I have more clients that are satisfied with my abilities than doctors and lawyers I have met. I have found that the biggest frustration that critics have when it comes to my line of work is that my ability can only be confirmed by the individuals that come to see me. The critic can not confirm my results because they believe that my clients are biased with their positive confirmations believing that they were delusional to begin with or because they paid for my service and will not admit to any possible lacking on my part in lieu of being embarrassed. I have confronted many critics and given them readings in order to quench their defiant thirst. Even when my predictions do come true, they write that it was pure coincidence or that my prediction for them was vague and could be interpreted in different ways (even though I am quite specific with the readings I give). The fact of the matter is critics earn their living based on their readership. If they were to admit that i posses a certain "Je ne sais qua" their story would fall short. I am all about supporting my fellow man and the critic is no exception.

   Another reason why I support my fellow critic is because there are many personalities in the parapsychology field that state their abilities of foresight is incredible and they have the ability to answer all questions of the past, present of future. Those who make such great claims take great advantage of the people that come see them. If I had accepted a fee from every client that came to me for advice over the past 32 years, I would be retired by now, but I would have done so at a price I could not live with. Many people come to me because they just need friendly advice that has nothing to do with my Psychic ability. There are others that I refer to a therapist because their problems can not be solely answered by a psychic. A psychic has a responsibility not to take advantage of their gift. When they do step beyond their abilities in order to cash in, their karmic consequences soon follow them to a premature career. This I why I respect the critic, they become paranormal super sleuths and weed out the impostors and help certain individuals realize that some answers should not be answered by a Psychic or their counterpart critics, but rather by the trial and errors that life has to offer.

  In conclusion, we all have a calling in this life whether you are a Psychic who makes a living sharing visions of the future or a critic that sells magazines. Opinions, relative facts and beliefs are personal and therefore should be left to the individual to decide if these dogmas are right for them. At the end of the day, there is a Psychic and a critic in all of us. What is important in life is to explore and experience for oneself rather than just to sit back and listen to others while they search for the truth.

Your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard

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