Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Keeping It Clear - The scoop behind crystals

I have found in my line of work that misconception is born from misinformation. Case in point is the ideology behind the properties that make up crystals and their usage. Crystals have been used in televisions and radios to lasers and jewelry. They are brilliant on the outside and mysterious on the inside. Crystals emit and amplify, reflects and refracts, can ornate and beautify sound, light, energy, our bodies and our surroundings. Crystals also have the power to create arguments. Yes, your read correctly. Crystals have created arguments since man discovered the sciences. These arguments exist between new age groups and the scientific community. They quarrel as to what are the true properties and capabilities of crystals.

    Lets begin by discussing what a crystal is. Our bodies are made of solid materials, just as a table or a chair. Solids are arrangements of molecules that connect together. In some solids, these arrangement's can be different or random throughout its make up. Crystals are different however, where the groups of atoms (known as the Unit Cell) is repeated in  the same arrangement repeatedly throughout the material. This exact replication gives crystals its beautiful geometric shapes and properties. There are different types of crystals, but the crystal in topic is Quartz crystal. Quartz crystal has been used in watches, electronics, jewelry and the list goes on. The properties of quartz are interesting and has been applied by shamans and new age practitioners to balance energy in the body or ward off demons and evil spirits. It is this application of quartz crystal that fuels the feud between scientists and the followers of metaphysics. The scientific community claims that many New Age doctrines are based on scientific principles and research that are misconstrued in order to validate their claims. The New Age community fires back that their doctrines and beliefs can not be experienced or tested by the eyes or equipment of scientists, because spirituality and its properties exist in a realm that is inaccessible to these non believing lab coats. So you maybe wondering who I think is right and who is wrong. My answer is, there is no right or wrong but a convergence that creates consequence.

   There are many varieties of quartz crystals which vary in color. These crystals include Agate, Onyx, Jasper, Chalcedony, tigers eye, Aventurine, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Dumortierite Quartz, Milk Quartz, Dumortierite Quartz, Carnelian and Citrine to name a few. Their variety in color and geometric compositions make for great elements to be used in clothing, jewelry design and sculptures. Another remarkable property about quartz is its inherit electrical potential when pressured mechanically. This property is called the piezoelectric effect. It is this effect that scientists say give birth to the misconception of New Age doctrines that crystals have supernatural powers that can be used to balance chakras, channel spirits and ward off negative forces. I am a logical man and I always begin from the beginning. The material world uses logic and reasoning in order to answer questions. The spiritual world uses intuition and Divine experience in order to answer enigmas. I always start with logic and work my way into intuition.

   As I stated earlier, I agree with both the sciences and the New Age fellowship. In the material world, crystals can produce energy when mechanically manipulated and can oscillate when a charge is put through it. Crystals must also be a certain purity, size, geometric shape and keep a stable temperature in order to oscillate and resonate at specific frequencies. When someone that is rooted in material world logic and reason observes another rooted in the spiritual world dogmas using crystals to regulate and manipulate unseen forces and energies, they conclude that these people are foolish, delusional and misguided. Followers of New Age discipline know that everything in the material world is a reflection of the spiritual world and know that everything in existence is energy and energy can be directed and amplified by the focus of our own energy. The reason is simple. We are made of the same energy and energy is compartmentalized by frequency. If we want to connect or balance different frequencies, one must only create empathy in order to resonate with another frequency. One of the tools that are used is Crystals. Their inherit properties in the physical world also exists in the spiritual world. In the physical world the potential of a crystals functions is limited to the constructs of the physical realm. In the spiritual world there is no limitation and therefore physical properties that are applied become limitless. In the spiritual realm what you deem to be so is so.

   I once had a reading with a client who did not understand this concept. I began the reading by placing a sandwich on the table and asking the client what they felt when they looked at it. The answer was it made them hungry. I then placed a sword on the table and the response was uneasiness and nervousness. I lastly placed a huge crystal on the table and the reaction was one of calmness, vibrancy and tranquility. A scientist can look at my experiment and conclude it was a matter of association and placebo that created the different feelings in my client. A spiritualist would understand that the representation (the thought that created the sandwich, sword and crystal) of the three items is energy (thought is energy) and the feelings my client was experiencing was the resonation to the  inherit energy of the objects I set forth.

   I have crystals in my electronics and watches, in my bedroom, on my jewelry and in my Psychic practice. I use crystals for many purposes based on my intention. It is the resonance of my intention to the  crystals that unlocks its properties. My physical intention is limited while my spiritual intention is limitless. Scientists and Spiritualists live in the same dimension, but think and believe in different realms. It is my prediction that there will come a day when these realms of thought and beliefs of both groups will converge creating a new consequence, a new realm. One that is more real than what they know of now.

your personal Psychic and friend for life,'
Ron Bard

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