Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Prediction Mechanics

I was taught in school that for every problem that exists in the world, there is a solution and for every question there is an answer. Sometimes to find a solution to a problem or an answer to a question is difficult. When you get tired of searching on your own, you seek the help of someone qualified in the field of topic in question in order to help you. I am an example of that someone whom people come to with their problems and questions in the hopes that I can give them the appropriate solutions and answers. I answer these questions with my intuitive abilities and solve problems with the mental archive of solutions I have received and collected from my 32 years of psychic experiences. The question then arises, how do I use my abilities of foresight to answer and solve? In other words, what are the mechanics behind predicting the future?

   In order to access intuitive sight, the first step is to clear the mind of all personal thought in order to make way for universal thought. This process is only achieved after years of conscious and sub conscious meditations and practices. A Psychic is only as good as his or her experiences allow them to be. My predictions of today are much more clear and detailed than those of when I was young. As the saying goes "practice makes perfect". One must clear their mind of worldly attachments and dilemmas in order to connect to ethereal information. There are some Psychics who clear their mind and spew the first word that pops into their head believing that it is some type message. This is not clearing the mind, it is an attempt to clear the mind which is only the first step. An example is the word association game where someone tells you a word and you say the first word pops in your head. I'm sorry, but if I clear my mind for a reading and the first thing that pops into my head is ice cream, I am not going to tell my client they must go to the frozen food section of a market to find true love. It just means that my mind is not clear yet and my mind is telling me my sweet tooth is acting up. I have had clients tell me the most ridiculous predictions other psychics have told them over the years that have never come to pass. It is because they do not understand the process of connecting to higher self as you disconnect from the lower self. To be fair, I have been mocked myself over the years for predicting far fetched future events, that is, until they come true.

   Another opinion as to why other psychics fail at their predictions is because they involve their personal mind in matters of psychic business. They dabble in the art of "cold reading". My use of this term can be explained by a story:

A man goes to a psychic for a reading. He is well dressed with expensive clothing from top to tip. He enters Madame Martha's Parlor.  He sits down on her purple and gold crushed velvet love seat starring at Madame Martha's eyes as she says nothing. The psychic says nothing because the psychic is waiting to see the next actions of the man in order to deliberate the reason why he has come to see her. The man introduces himself... " My name is Maximilian Douglas Mackentile." Madam Martha thinks to her self - hmm...He dresses to impress so he is active socially...  He has three distinguished names, he must come from a wealthy and old family. Max pulls out his wallet and asks "How much is this reading going to be" as he hands Madame Martha $500.00 in crisp one hundred dollar bills. The psychic ponders - Hmm... I was right, he did not wait to hear my rate... Money is no object to him...  The money is brand new telling me he went to the bank just to pay me showing how important this reading is...  His main concerns is not about money even though later on he will ask about his financial status because the rich always likes to hear they will still be rich in the future...  He must be here for relationship issues or is in search of something that is lost to him... (The psychic has now begun the cold reading process, the story continues) The Psychic notices the man has a necklace that is hanging from his clenched fist, the psychic continues to deliberate - Hmm... Its a woman's necklace and he is holding on to some type of pendant or locket... The Psychic begins to talk to Max telling him he is here because there is someone very close to him that is beyond his reach. Max answers with tears "Yes, yes, someone who was very special to me". The psychic thinks - Hmm...  This person was special to him...  This person is deceased... Madame Martha relays to Max that she see's her right now. Max asks " Is she alright, is she still in pain???  The psychic frowns thinking -  Hmm... He has confirmed the person is a woman and has passed on...  She has passed recently and was in severe pain or had a horrific accident... 

I could continue with this story, but I am sure you understand what is happening. The psychic in this story is cold reading the client and reading between the lines if you will. In this narrative, the man is emotionally upset and does not see that he is feeding this psychic all the information necessary not only to give false predictions, but the information she needs to give a prediction that will be well received by the client in order to create return business with him. The psychic in this story dabbled in cold reading on a conscious level, but there are psychics in the field that also include cold reading at a sub - conscious level. This can happen because they are just very good at reverse engineering and following patterns fooling themselves into believing they are psychic. There are other psychics that once possessed intuitive ability, but have become lazy over their successful career and now rely on these non intuitive skills because they have found their fame proceeds their predictions.

 Thought is pure energy, but when filtered through the mind, it changes from its natural state. The mind changes pure thought into a form the mind can comprehend which is based on earthly experience. Since pure thought is not of this world, the translation is lost through the misinterpretations of the mind. The mind must therefore be circumvented in order to receive the true message of pure thought. To connect to your intuition is a simple concept with a difficult task. You must simply know that your are now being intuitive. If you want to extend your hand to receive a gift, do you tell yourself " I will slowly move my triceps and biceps and extend my forearm as I open my hand and extend my fingers forward to grasp the gift I see in front of me"? Of course you don't. Simply move your arm and take the gift. You know you can do it so you just do it. One must first know they are intuitive and not doubt this ability. Once doubt is gone the next step is clearing the mind. One must know they can clear the mind and not doubt the ability to do so. The last step connects you to the first step and the cycle is complete. The next thought which is the first thought equals intuition.

   I teach the exercises that I have learned from my family and my experiences in my seminars and books. You do not have to attend my classes in order to begin to learn how to connect to intuition. You have probably already started to clear the mind through out your life and you dont realize it.

Have you ever prayed to GOD? To pray to GOD is to communicate thought. GOD comprises entire reality and beyond. GOD is beyond existence. If you want to communicate to GOD, your thought must connect beyond your worldly existence. Prayer focuses thought and intent and keeps them pure. To pray to GOD is to know GOD which means you are connected to GOD. To know is to be.

Do you practice Yoga? Yoga is a Hindu practice that achieves balance and control of body and mind through exercise and meditation.

Ever taken a camping trip? Living in nature disconnects one from the illusions of the material world and all the troubles that are associated. You become one with nature and nature is balanced. Your mind becomes tranquil as your thought becomes clear. An example would be, where did the prophets of the bible like Abraham, Moses and Jesus go to contemplate and be closer to GOD? They would go to deserts and wilderness.

   It is good to know how things work, its one of the first steps in understanding anything. Psychic predictions or worldly conclusions are based upon similar concepts. What is important to remember is that learning and applying is the first step of knowing. Once you know, the next step is to forget, only then will you attain universal thought.

Your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard

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