Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What You Don’t Know Wont Hurt You, Or Will It? Is it bad to want to know the future?

I have received letters in the past from certain groups of people in regards to the dangers of psychic readings. In one particular letter I received, the person wrote quote “If God wanted us to know the future, then everyone would be psychic.” I responded by writing back “ Well, I believe that everyone is psychic, so I am doing what I was born to do”. I do understand their point of view. Life is about trial and error, applying knowledge and belief in order to receive the experiences that life has to offer.

It is my belief that God gave us certain abilities to learn and navigate through life’s experiences. Our psychic ability is one way we can accomplish this. I have been told by some that using intuition in a sense ( no pun intended) is cheating. Is a boxer cheating if he has a long reach? Is a basketball player cheating if he can jump over 6 feet into the air? Possessing abilities, any ability are gifts bestowed upon us. If someone displays a strong ability in a particular area in life, they should not be shunned for it, but embraced for it. No one rejects a surgeon for his ability to keep a steady hand or denounces an artist for the ability to manipulate a paint brush. We are all gifted in different ways and ones ability should be used to help others that lack in these areas.

The future is based on whats happening in the present. To predict future events is to simply validate what is happening in the present. Being Psychic is not about knowing the future in its entirety, otherwise what would be the challenge? To know the future in absolutes is not possible. To be psychic or to use ones intuitive ability is to have an understanding of future events that can aid a person on their present road in life. Do not be afraid of your unique abilities. They are unique because not many posses or understand your abilities. It is your job to share your abilities and teach others that they too can benefit from them. This is what I do with my abilities everyday, I hope you find the strength in your life to do the same.

Your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard

Now or Later? Changing the present for a better future

I have been doing psychic readings for a very long time. Anyone who knows me or my work know that when they come to see me, they will find crystal bowls and jars filled with different candies of my youth. I feel that candies can be beautiful to look at just like gems are. One of my favorite candies are now or laters. Hey, Ronald Reagan had Jelly Beans and I have my favorite. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that the person who came up with the name Now or Later was a psychic. The colors of these candies represent almost all of the colors of the light spectrum. The name in itself explains the simple dynamics of predicting the future. Simply put what is created “now” is manifested “later”.

One of the most repeated questions I have heard in my career is “Can we change the future?”. This question can only be answered when first questioning what is the future? The future is uncertain and can only be understood in its pure absolute by its Maker. In order to understand the future one must see what the future is not, only then can you get closer to its true meaning. The future can not be seen by our third dimensional vantage point. The future is not stable but dynamic. The future does not affect the present or the past but the past and the present does affect the future. The future does not exists until it does. The future is not the end but the beginning of the present. The future is where duality lives, where cycles in life become complete.

I look at the future on a personal and universal basis. Our personal future is part of the universal future. Any event in our personal future can affect the universal future and visa versa. The events that happen in the present creates the cycle which ends and begins the future. If these events change then the future changes. It is this reason that makes my job exciting and fulfilling. How many times have you done something only to regret it later. One should never hold regret, but we learn in order not to repeat the mistakes we regret to have made. When I make a prediction, I help to guide an individual on a positive path in order to shape the events of there present in order to create future events that are positive.

No one can change the future, because in the third dimension, the future does not exist until it becomes the present. Psychics can look into the future for clues and details to see if we are creating a present that is positive for us. In the mean time, focus on the present. It is a beautiful gift where experience is made and life’s rewards await. No wonder why today is called the present, it is a present.

Your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard

Keeping It Clear - The scoop behind crystals

I have found in my line of work that misconception is born from misinformation. Case in point is the ideology behind the properties that make up crystals and their usage. Crystals have been used in televisions and radios to lasers and jewelry. They are brilliant on the outside and mysterious on the inside. Crystals emit and amplify, reflects and refracts, can ornate and beautify sound, light, energy, our bodies and our surroundings. Crystals also have the power to create arguments. Yes, your read correctly. Crystals have created arguments since man discovered the sciences. These arguments exist between new age groups and the scientific community. They quarrel as to what are the true properties and capabilities of crystals.

    Lets begin by discussing what a crystal is. Our bodies are made of solid materials, just as a table or a chair. Solids are arrangements of molecules that connect together. In some solids, these arrangement's can be different or random throughout its make up. Crystals are different however, where the groups of atoms (known as the Unit Cell) is repeated in  the same arrangement repeatedly throughout the material. This exact replication gives crystals its beautiful geometric shapes and properties. There are different types of crystals, but the crystal in topic is Quartz crystal. Quartz crystal has been used in watches, electronics, jewelry and the list goes on. The properties of quartz are interesting and has been applied by shamans and new age practitioners to balance energy in the body or ward off demons and evil spirits. It is this application of quartz crystal that fuels the feud between scientists and the followers of metaphysics. The scientific community claims that many New Age doctrines are based on scientific principles and research that are misconstrued in order to validate their claims. The New Age community fires back that their doctrines and beliefs can not be experienced or tested by the eyes or equipment of scientists, because spirituality and its properties exist in a realm that is inaccessible to these non believing lab coats. So you maybe wondering who I think is right and who is wrong. My answer is, there is no right or wrong but a convergence that creates consequence.

   There are many varieties of quartz crystals which vary in color. These crystals include Agate, Onyx, Jasper, Chalcedony, tigers eye, Aventurine, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Dumortierite Quartz, Milk Quartz, Dumortierite Quartz, Carnelian and Citrine to name a few. Their variety in color and geometric compositions make for great elements to be used in clothing, jewelry design and sculptures. Another remarkable property about quartz is its inherit electrical potential when pressured mechanically. This property is called the piezoelectric effect. It is this effect that scientists say give birth to the misconception of New Age doctrines that crystals have supernatural powers that can be used to balance chakras, channel spirits and ward off negative forces. I am a logical man and I always begin from the beginning. The material world uses logic and reasoning in order to answer questions. The spiritual world uses intuition and Divine experience in order to answer enigmas. I always start with logic and work my way into intuition.

   As I stated earlier, I agree with both the sciences and the New Age fellowship. In the material world, crystals can produce energy when mechanically manipulated and can oscillate when a charge is put through it. Crystals must also be a certain purity, size, geometric shape and keep a stable temperature in order to oscillate and resonate at specific frequencies. When someone that is rooted in material world logic and reason observes another rooted in the spiritual world dogmas using crystals to regulate and manipulate unseen forces and energies, they conclude that these people are foolish, delusional and misguided. Followers of New Age discipline know that everything in the material world is a reflection of the spiritual world and know that everything in existence is energy and energy can be directed and amplified by the focus of our own energy. The reason is simple. We are made of the same energy and energy is compartmentalized by frequency. If we want to connect or balance different frequencies, one must only create empathy in order to resonate with another frequency. One of the tools that are used is Crystals. Their inherit properties in the physical world also exists in the spiritual world. In the physical world the potential of a crystals functions is limited to the constructs of the physical realm. In the spiritual world there is no limitation and therefore physical properties that are applied become limitless. In the spiritual realm what you deem to be so is so.

   I once had a reading with a client who did not understand this concept. I began the reading by placing a sandwich on the table and asking the client what they felt when they looked at it. The answer was it made them hungry. I then placed a sword on the table and the response was uneasiness and nervousness. I lastly placed a huge crystal on the table and the reaction was one of calmness, vibrancy and tranquility. A scientist can look at my experiment and conclude it was a matter of association and placebo that created the different feelings in my client. A spiritualist would understand that the representation (the thought that created the sandwich, sword and crystal) of the three items is energy (thought is energy) and the feelings my client was experiencing was the resonation to the  inherit energy of the objects I set forth.

   I have crystals in my electronics and watches, in my bedroom, on my jewelry and in my Psychic practice. I use crystals for many purposes based on my intention. It is the resonance of my intention to the  crystals that unlocks its properties. My physical intention is limited while my spiritual intention is limitless. Scientists and Spiritualists live in the same dimension, but think and believe in different realms. It is my prediction that there will come a day when these realms of thought and beliefs of both groups will converge creating a new consequence, a new realm. One that is more real than what they know of now.

your personal Psychic and friend for life,'
Ron Bard

Psychic Abilities & The Tool's Used

   When one asks me "Ron? How do you do it?", I simply answer "Like anything else that I do, I just do it". As a Psychic, I have an ability to access intuition by simply doing it. This is an inherit ability that has been cultivated over a 30 year career. There are many cases that call for the use of psychic tools in order to facilitate a reading. I can touch the personal belongings of someone in order to get case sensitive information. I can look at a photo or read a letter and connect to the information that I need.

   There are Psychic tools that I use for specific tasks. Think of a Psychic as a Carpenter. The Carpenter has the knowledge and experience to build a home or construct a piece of furniture. The tools a psychic uses may vary from hammer and nails to reciprocating saws and chisels. Not all psychics are created equal and their abilities vary. The tools that they use for their craft may vary as well. I will begin by listing the different types of psychic abilities followed by the different types of divination tools that are used.

Aura Readings: This is the ability to not only see the different energy fields of a human being, but to recognize the balance or imbalance of these fields. Beginning a psychic reading by observing a persons aura can spark an intuitive chain reaction that sends the practitioner into a state of empathy that connects them to their client.

Astral Projection: Is the ability to separate ones spirit from the body in order to connect to the spiritual realm or a different location and dimension. NOTEThere are many psychics who claim to have this ability. They close their eyes and tremble as they fall into their chair, motionless. They regain consciousness surprisingly sometime later, relaying that they have returned with valuable information from their spirit travel. It makes for a dramatic and entertaining reading, but the messages they share are usually generic and nonsensical. For those who practice astral projection, I advise not to include this ability in their reading practice. Astral projection has many aspects that are influenced by variable forces at play. The visions that are experienced are mixed with straight forward information and images that can only be interpreted with experience. Not to mention, you can return back from your astral trip only to discover your client has robbed your office and wiped you out. I'm just kidding, kinda.

Automatic writing: The ability to connect to the sub conscious and write information automatically while circumventing the conscious mind. A practitioner can also connect to an independent intelligence that guides their automatic writing and influence the information contained. NOTE - I have met several psychics who posses this ability portraying remarkable results. Beginners in this practice should first practice connecting to their own sub conscious before venturing beyond. If the psychic is not experienced, they can easily be mislead by other forces who do not have their best interest at heart. The subsequent information received can be misleading and in some cases, detrimental to the psychic and their client.

Clairvoyance: This ability is usually confused with the ability to see the future and its outcome. Clairvoyance is the ability to receive visions of future events. These events maybe clear, but for the most part are not. These visions are bits and pieces of a larger puzzle. NOTE - most bona fide psychics (including myself) have the ability of clairvoyance, but only through years of experience can one differentiate a vision from an outcome.

Channeling: The ability to circumvent the conscious and sub conscious in order to become a free vessel and invite a particular spirit or entity to be channeled through the body. NOTE - I do not have to state the dangers of this practice to the novice. My mother for example, was well known for her ability of channeling. Even with her extensive knowledge and experience, she still ran into a few close calls. This is also an ability that con artist psychics act out in order to dupe and scare clients for profit.

Divination: Is the ability of predicting the future through a broad spectrum of mediums which include Precognition (Simply knowing the future. This is a misused term because the ability gives you clumps of visions. Nobody, not even I can predict the future 100% because the space and time continuum is dynamic with variable changes that constantly take place. Only through many years of psychic practice can one distinguish between the possibilities and the probabilities of a predictions outcome.), Fortune Telling (most popular psychic tools are used in divination such as Tarot Cards, Crystal Balls, Pendulums, Palm Reading, etc.), and Prophecy (where messages are communicated to a prophet from the Divine Source. Psychics are not prophets and are usually confused with the term.).

Empathy: The ability to sense the emotions, needs and mindset of an individual by resonating with them. NOTE - This is an ability most qualified Psychics posses. This ability becomes stronger through psychic practices.

There are more abilities that can be mentioned, but through my experiences, have proven to be the mislabeling of the abilities I just mentioned or at best, abilities that belong in Folklore and Movies.

   Now that you have a better understanding of the different types of psychic abilities that exist, I will now go into some detail about the tools that are used in psychic readings. As I mentioned previously, these tools are mainly used in conjunction with divination ability. These tools, however, can be used to connect or amplify other abilities and it is left to the preference of the psychic.

Astrology: The zodiac system can be used as a starting point for a psychic reading.

Tarot Cards: A deck of cards that represents life, astrology, the elements and the human drama. It is a mapping system that can help a psychic see past, present and future events.

Crystal Ball: A crystal or leaded glass sphere used as a focusing tool to access psychic ability.

Coffee Cup: A reader asks one to drink a cup of coffee. They then proceed to look and read the residue left behind in the cup. This is a similar usage as that of a crystal ball.

Pendulums: A tool that the great Galileo obsessed about. A pointed object made of crystal, glass, wood, plastic or metal that hangs from a fixed point attached by string, leather, silk or chain. It is used to access sub conscious information. NOTE -  It is important to remember when using a pendulum to keep in mind you are accessing your subconscious and not other intelligence. Some individuals use pendulums like Ouija boards, which is a dangerous practice.

These are just some of the main stream tools that psychics use. An experienced psychic can use any element at his or her disposal in order to connect, facilitate or amplify psychic ability. I myself use anything from photos and business cards to car keys and clothing to access information.

   Psychic tools should never be mistaken for psychic ability. Tools posses no inherit magic. In the hands of a qualified practitioner, these psychic tools can help create wonderful and amazing results. I hope that my insight does the same for you.

Your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard.

Do You Have To Be A Saint To Be Psychic?

I was born and raised in New York city. I have traveled the world with offices in California and Japan, yet my accent still sounds like a New York accent. Doesn't seem surprising does it? Just because I have traveled the world and experienced different cultures, foods and life lessons, it doesn't mean that my accent would change. I may grow and evolve in many ways, but there will always be some things that will always stay the same. When people ask me if they have to refrain from cursing or eating meat on good Friday in order to be psychic I usually smile hoping they will understand and start laughing. Psychic Ability and being spiritually elevated are two different things. Now don't get me wrong, if you lead a negative life or live a destructive path, not only will you not develop your psychic ability, you wont develop at all. That is de evolution not evolution. Remember that psychic ability is an ability not a religion. Do you have to be a good person to run fast? Can a Rabbi break dance (the answer is yes, he is a good friend of mine and is very good dancer)?

   Intuition is a part of us just like our arms and legs are. In order to strengthen our bodies we must exercise on a regular basis to build and maintain. In order to be more intuitive, the exercise that is necessary is to not work hard, not to strain but to simply let go. Intuition is a realization, an awakening to an invisible realm that our eyes blind us from.

   Now once intuition is attained, you will always be able to access it, but the positive and negative actions that you participate it can affect how strong your intuition will be and how long can you connect to it. If you live the life of a saint, you are no longer affected by the woes of earthly possessions and guilt. The enlightenment and insight you posses would be beyond that of an average man. If you live the life of a cretin, you live a life of loneliness and demise and your insight is lesser than that of an insect.

   I personally believe that I am a good man with good intentions. I do my best to serve others and help those in need, but there are times my New York side comes out. I may tell you how it is, shooting straight from the hip. I may censor my words from time to time. I may not look both ways before I'm crossing the street, but does that mean my Psychic ability will disappear? I may get hit by a bicycle (by the way it hurts) and have to reschedule my readings for the week, but it doesn't mean that I loose my ability of insight. What it means is that I am a human being, always learning and always evolving.

  Always try to be the best soul you can be, it can only improve your abilities to evolve. Know that it is ok to make mistakes, it doesn't change who you are. Mistakes are our teachers to help us move forward. We sometimes feel strong and we sometimes feel week. There is always room to improve. At the end of the day, you are who you are and if you got it, you got it. I know I do and I know you do too.

your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard

Tell Me What You See - The do's and don'ts of readings

When a person approaches me for a reading, they do so with a sense of skepticism, curiosity and nervousness. Some clients have had disappointing readings in the past and have come to me because of the high recommendations of past clients and friends. Others come because they have never had a reading before and they heard of my work through word of mouth or the media. Whatever the reason as to why a person comes to me, there is always a sense of nervousness because one part of them wants to know what may come to past while the other part is terrified to hear of bad news to come. We see in movies of fortune tellers telling a customer of bad fortune to come, impending death and gloom. This is just to make a movie plot more dynamic and thrilling to carry on a particular story line. There are, however, psychic readers who take advantage of peoples curiosity and nervousness in order to profit from them. "There is certain doom in your future" as they gaze into their tarot cards or crystal balls "you must give me all of your clothes so I can bless them in order to protect you from the negative forces that surround you" all for the low low price of $299.99. I have personally visited many store front fortune tellers over the years without disclosing my proffesion. Only a few had some insight, but most lacked even the understanding of what they were doing. Imagine their surprise when I took their deck of cards and switched roles on them. It wasn't a pretty sight including much profanity on their part, some tears of remorse and one reader in particular who quit their newly found profession.

   Predicting the future is a fine line because the future is always on a fine line, waiting to change at any millisecond. I see predicitions on two main levels, short term and long term (I will go into detail what I mean by that in future articles). Short term predictions are more definite because the time necessary to change future outcome is not enough. Long term predictions can change easier because there is more time for certain events to take place and change the future outcome. This leads me to the do's and don'ts of Psychic readings.

   If I am reading someone, I have a responsibility to my self and the person who I am advising. I know that at the end of the reading, my advice will either be acted upon, remembered, forgotten or denied until the predictions come to be. If I see bad health in a person for example and it will come to pass later in their life, I will warn them of the potential danger and ask them to try and change their health regimns and seek the help of a health practitioner. This would be a long term prediction and it is based on what is happening in their life in the present. If they do not change their ways and continue with a blind eye, the prediction will be more of a possibility. Another example is if I read someone and my vision is of them loosing their job in the next few weeks. This would be a short term prediction. What do you think would happen if I told someone one "tomorrow is your last day at the office"? A person could respond with laughter and skepticism, denial, or actually not go to work at all. Just because you loose your job, it doesn't mean that it is a bad thing. You may be offered a new opportunity soon after that profits you beyond your prior position. The loss may bring you closer to someone in your life and the scenarios go on and on. So how would I answer my client? I would tell them to be prepared for a change in business and advise them how they can take advantage of the change based on the other visions I see in my reading and my experiences.

   No one can know absolute truth and Psychics are no different. A Psychic can only interpret based on natural ability, training and experience. Also remember as the old saying goes " to err is human". Psychics are not robots. We are not computers and if we were, we still would have the potential to malfunction. Psychic readings and predictions are tools we can use to better our lives. These predicitions and readings are based on interpretation of the intuitive advisor. Another aspect one must know and is not talked about, is the fact that you as the questioner can help with the interpretation. You know yourself better than anyone else and as I always say, everyone is psychic one way or the other. When a Psychic gives you a reading, keep your opinions to yourself until the end of the reading. Afterward, share with the psychic what you think did not make sense and work on the prediction together. If you go to a Psychic with the intent of proving him or her wrong, you are just wasting your time. What is the point? Either way you will either believe or disbelieve until future events tell you otherwise. Make the most out of your reading. Share your ideas and together you can come to a more keen conclusion. Like my mother use to say" Two people thinking makes two people smarter"

Your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard

Prediction Mechanics

I was taught in school that for every problem that exists in the world, there is a solution and for every question there is an answer. Sometimes to find a solution to a problem or an answer to a question is difficult. When you get tired of searching on your own, you seek the help of someone qualified in the field of topic in question in order to help you. I am an example of that someone whom people come to with their problems and questions in the hopes that I can give them the appropriate solutions and answers. I answer these questions with my intuitive abilities and solve problems with the mental archive of solutions I have received and collected from my 32 years of psychic experiences. The question then arises, how do I use my abilities of foresight to answer and solve? In other words, what are the mechanics behind predicting the future?

   In order to access intuitive sight, the first step is to clear the mind of all personal thought in order to make way for universal thought. This process is only achieved after years of conscious and sub conscious meditations and practices. A Psychic is only as good as his or her experiences allow them to be. My predictions of today are much more clear and detailed than those of when I was young. As the saying goes "practice makes perfect". One must clear their mind of worldly attachments and dilemmas in order to connect to ethereal information. There are some Psychics who clear their mind and spew the first word that pops into their head believing that it is some type message. This is not clearing the mind, it is an attempt to clear the mind which is only the first step. An example is the word association game where someone tells you a word and you say the first word pops in your head. I'm sorry, but if I clear my mind for a reading and the first thing that pops into my head is ice cream, I am not going to tell my client they must go to the frozen food section of a market to find true love. It just means that my mind is not clear yet and my mind is telling me my sweet tooth is acting up. I have had clients tell me the most ridiculous predictions other psychics have told them over the years that have never come to pass. It is because they do not understand the process of connecting to higher self as you disconnect from the lower self. To be fair, I have been mocked myself over the years for predicting far fetched future events, that is, until they come true.

   Another opinion as to why other psychics fail at their predictions is because they involve their personal mind in matters of psychic business. They dabble in the art of "cold reading". My use of this term can be explained by a story:

A man goes to a psychic for a reading. He is well dressed with expensive clothing from top to tip. He enters Madame Martha's Parlor.  He sits down on her purple and gold crushed velvet love seat starring at Madame Martha's eyes as she says nothing. The psychic says nothing because the psychic is waiting to see the next actions of the man in order to deliberate the reason why he has come to see her. The man introduces himself... " My name is Maximilian Douglas Mackentile." Madam Martha thinks to her self - hmm...He dresses to impress so he is active socially...  He has three distinguished names, he must come from a wealthy and old family. Max pulls out his wallet and asks "How much is this reading going to be" as he hands Madame Martha $500.00 in crisp one hundred dollar bills. The psychic ponders - Hmm... I was right, he did not wait to hear my rate... Money is no object to him...  The money is brand new telling me he went to the bank just to pay me showing how important this reading is...  His main concerns is not about money even though later on he will ask about his financial status because the rich always likes to hear they will still be rich in the future...  He must be here for relationship issues or is in search of something that is lost to him... (The psychic has now begun the cold reading process, the story continues) The Psychic notices the man has a necklace that is hanging from his clenched fist, the psychic continues to deliberate - Hmm... Its a woman's necklace and he is holding on to some type of pendant or locket... The Psychic begins to talk to Max telling him he is here because there is someone very close to him that is beyond his reach. Max answers with tears "Yes, yes, someone who was very special to me". The psychic thinks - Hmm...  This person was special to him...  This person is deceased... Madame Martha relays to Max that she see's her right now. Max asks " Is she alright, is she still in pain???  The psychic frowns thinking -  Hmm... He has confirmed the person is a woman and has passed on...  She has passed recently and was in severe pain or had a horrific accident... 

I could continue with this story, but I am sure you understand what is happening. The psychic in this story is cold reading the client and reading between the lines if you will. In this narrative, the man is emotionally upset and does not see that he is feeding this psychic all the information necessary not only to give false predictions, but the information she needs to give a prediction that will be well received by the client in order to create return business with him. The psychic in this story dabbled in cold reading on a conscious level, but there are psychics in the field that also include cold reading at a sub - conscious level. This can happen because they are just very good at reverse engineering and following patterns fooling themselves into believing they are psychic. There are other psychics that once possessed intuitive ability, but have become lazy over their successful career and now rely on these non intuitive skills because they have found their fame proceeds their predictions.

 Thought is pure energy, but when filtered through the mind, it changes from its natural state. The mind changes pure thought into a form the mind can comprehend which is based on earthly experience. Since pure thought is not of this world, the translation is lost through the misinterpretations of the mind. The mind must therefore be circumvented in order to receive the true message of pure thought. To connect to your intuition is a simple concept with a difficult task. You must simply know that your are now being intuitive. If you want to extend your hand to receive a gift, do you tell yourself " I will slowly move my triceps and biceps and extend my forearm as I open my hand and extend my fingers forward to grasp the gift I see in front of me"? Of course you don't. Simply move your arm and take the gift. You know you can do it so you just do it. One must first know they are intuitive and not doubt this ability. Once doubt is gone the next step is clearing the mind. One must know they can clear the mind and not doubt the ability to do so. The last step connects you to the first step and the cycle is complete. The next thought which is the first thought equals intuition.

   I teach the exercises that I have learned from my family and my experiences in my seminars and books. You do not have to attend my classes in order to begin to learn how to connect to intuition. You have probably already started to clear the mind through out your life and you dont realize it.

Have you ever prayed to GOD? To pray to GOD is to communicate thought. GOD comprises entire reality and beyond. GOD is beyond existence. If you want to communicate to GOD, your thought must connect beyond your worldly existence. Prayer focuses thought and intent and keeps them pure. To pray to GOD is to know GOD which means you are connected to GOD. To know is to be.

Do you practice Yoga? Yoga is a Hindu practice that achieves balance and control of body and mind through exercise and meditation.

Ever taken a camping trip? Living in nature disconnects one from the illusions of the material world and all the troubles that are associated. You become one with nature and nature is balanced. Your mind becomes tranquil as your thought becomes clear. An example would be, where did the prophets of the bible like Abraham, Moses and Jesus go to contemplate and be closer to GOD? They would go to deserts and wilderness.

   It is good to know how things work, its one of the first steps in understanding anything. Psychic predictions or worldly conclusions are based upon similar concepts. What is important to remember is that learning and applying is the first step of knowing. Once you know, the next step is to forget, only then will you attain universal thought.

Your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard

Is casper a friendly ghost?

When people come to me for Psychic inquiry, one of the many questions I am asked is do I see spirits. The answer is yes and no, but before I go into detail I would like to explain the distinction between spirits and ghosts because they are both very different. Everything in life is made of energy, this is a simple fact to accept because we see energy and examples of energy everyday in our lives. The human body is made up of energy as well, but the question is what body am I referring to? Yes we have our physical body, but is that all there is to the human make up? In India for example, the belief is that the human is made of 7 subtle bodies. These bodies are the physical body, etheric body, emotional body, mental body, the etheric template body (this is one of the levels of the human being I connect with on a regular basis when I am doing a reading which I will explain more in detail in articles to come) the celestial body, and the casual body. I will explain the definition of these bodies in following articles, but for now consider that you have several energy fields (bodies) that make you who you are. Each of these bodies experience independently and connect at the same time.

   Lets take the example of a handshake for a moment. When you get the chance, shake the hand of a friend and describe what you are feeling. You may feel warmth (a physical level) you may feel security (a mental level) you may feel love (a spiritual level) and the list goes on and on. One action equals different experiences at different levels that all connect to come to a conclusion. I was taught that a ghost is a spirit that is disconnected, where certain bodies that comprise it has attached itself to the dimension between earthly and heavenly reality. The cause of these attachments vary between the way they left this world. Their emotional body can linger due to the anger of a wrongful death such as murder. The mental body can linger because they are in denial that they must move on. Whatever the case maybe, part of the spirit is attached to this world and it does not want to let go. The signs of these ghostly bodies that are attached to our worldly realm, apparitions if you will, can be heat, sound or a indistinguishable light. Some people, like myself are sensitive to these apparitions and react to them with back chills or the feeling that it is heavy to breathe.  We are taught in all religions to let go of attachment because the result is misery, confusion, unbalance, sadness and a feeling of being incomplete. Sounds like a ghost to me. There are people in this world who walk like a ghost of their prior selves because they do not know how to let go of earthly attachments.

   A spirit is one that has evolved completely and has moved on. When you are complete and balanced your reality whether earthly or spiritual is for you to decide. Once again most religions teach us that GOD has given us the freedom to think and to choose for ourselves because it is the only way to evolve. I was taught that spirits that enter this world come here for a purpose, this purpose can sometimes be understood while most of the time it is uncertain.

   Now just as there is positive energy, there is negative energy. If we are made of energy, it can be positive or negative depending on how you focus your energy. In theory a ghost is a detachment of being whole which usually falls on the negative side. For the most part, spirits are positive with positive agendas but there are some spirits that are negative on a whole. Spirits have been talked about from the bibles to movies. These are the spirits depicted in stories of mankind that come to help us (either from a different realm/ dimension or who have evolved from their experiences on earth who come back to contribute to earthly balance).

   There are negative spirits, however that are here to lead you off your path of enlightenment. They feed off of you like a parasite feeds off its host. These spirits are depicted in stories of human possession and exorcism (which I have personally witnessed and documented). Have you ever witnessed someone on drugs or heavily intoxicated with alcohol? They can sometimes act so negatively that you ask them "what in the world has possessed you to do this?". When you give away your balance of your subtle bodies because of fear, what you are doing is giving your energy away to anything that wants to receive it. Never fear for the fact you exist means you are here to contribute and you are made to learn, experience and enjoy the balance of life.

   Many people believe that when they go to a psychic questioning unknown forces that surround there lives, the first answer will be that there is a ghost that is haunting  or a spirit that is creating burden upon their life. Let me tell you, if i hear a bump in the night, I'm going to see if my dogs are trying to get into the garbage can and if that's not the case, I'm calling the cops. Not everything that is unknown has to be explained by a Psychic. Most things can be explained with simple facts, logic and science, but there are times when these tools fail to supply you with answers. In my line of work it means that there is a spiritual agenda behind the cause.

   Contrary to popular belief and folklore, if a ghost is detected there is no cause for alarm. If anything, it is your responsibility to help it detach from this world in order to evolve to its next reality. There are tools you can use that I will go into detail in other articles, but for now think of it this way. The only way you can teach anyone anything is to do what you are trying to teach yourself. If you think you have a ghost, be a good role model. Do not be afraid, but take a look at your life to see what you can do to improve it. Maybe its a sign that you may have some attachments of your own that have to be dealt with. You may find out once you have dealt with your own issues, the ghost will simply just disappear. Spirits however are a different story.

   Most cases I have seen where spirits are  reportedly creating hardships for people are usually manifestations they have created in their own mind because they can not deal with the harsh realities in their own lives. Through Psychic and simple life structuring advice, these reported spirits simply go away. There have been however some experiences where I firmly believed and saw spirits amongst people, from recently deceased loved ones to spirits of unknown origin (based on my experiences) Most were positive and once I explained to the person their agenda or what I believed their agenda to be, they were no longer afraid and the spirit moved on. Now negative spirits you do not want to tackle by yourself and you should seek the advice of someone that is qualified. These spirits have been talked about in the Old and New Testament and other ancient documents of man kind. I will share in future articles some of my experiences that I have documented over the years.

   It is my message to the world that the hardest thing to deal with in ones personal growth is the lesson of attachment. I deal with these lessons just like anyone else does. Everything in life has its birth and its death. When we are babies, we are born with our hands clenched. When we die we do so with our hands open. Learn to let go now so that your life is filled with love and not fear, happiness and not sadness. Prepare yourself now for the next adventure you face after this life is one that needs nothing else but your ability to just let go of everything you are leaving behind.

Your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard

Psychic and Critics, friends or foes?

From Pharaoh and Moses to Jay Jonah Jameson and Spider Man, whether reality or fiction, for anyone who claims to have super natural ability there is a critic that claims they do not. This comical and symbiotic relationship can be traced back to the humble beginnings of mankind. There are those that believe in what they see while there are others who believe in what they can't see. I am always asked how I deal with critics and I find people to be shocked when they hear my answer. I absolutely love my critics. They are an important part of my career as a Psychic for several reasons. The foremost reason begins with the simple laws of duality. There can not be light with out the dark, there can not be day with out night, good with out evil and believers with out disbelievers. I take my job seriously so it is only natural that a critic will not take me seriously. I have a purpose, to give credit to what can not be explained and a critics purpose is to discredit what I give credit to. The way I see it, if it wasn't for me, there would be many critics out of a job and I could not let that happen.

   I have been a working Psychic for over 32 years and my mother before me. I have more clients that are satisfied with my abilities than doctors and lawyers I have met. I have found that the biggest frustration that critics have when it comes to my line of work is that my ability can only be confirmed by the individuals that come to see me. The critic can not confirm my results because they believe that my clients are biased with their positive confirmations believing that they were delusional to begin with or because they paid for my service and will not admit to any possible lacking on my part in lieu of being embarrassed. I have confronted many critics and given them readings in order to quench their defiant thirst. Even when my predictions do come true, they write that it was pure coincidence or that my prediction for them was vague and could be interpreted in different ways (even though I am quite specific with the readings I give). The fact of the matter is critics earn their living based on their readership. If they were to admit that i posses a certain "Je ne sais qua" their story would fall short. I am all about supporting my fellow man and the critic is no exception.

   Another reason why I support my fellow critic is because there are many personalities in the parapsychology field that state their abilities of foresight is incredible and they have the ability to answer all questions of the past, present of future. Those who make such great claims take great advantage of the people that come see them. If I had accepted a fee from every client that came to me for advice over the past 32 years, I would be retired by now, but I would have done so at a price I could not live with. Many people come to me because they just need friendly advice that has nothing to do with my Psychic ability. There are others that I refer to a therapist because their problems can not be solely answered by a psychic. A psychic has a responsibility not to take advantage of their gift. When they do step beyond their abilities in order to cash in, their karmic consequences soon follow them to a premature career. This I why I respect the critic, they become paranormal super sleuths and weed out the impostors and help certain individuals realize that some answers should not be answered by a Psychic or their counterpart critics, but rather by the trial and errors that life has to offer.

  In conclusion, we all have a calling in this life whether you are a Psychic who makes a living sharing visions of the future or a critic that sells magazines. Opinions, relative facts and beliefs are personal and therefore should be left to the individual to decide if these dogmas are right for them. At the end of the day, there is a Psychic and a critic in all of us. What is important in life is to explore and experience for oneself rather than just to sit back and listen to others while they search for the truth.

Your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard

What is Psychic Ability

   Before I begin to give my personal insight behind the meaning of the term Psychic Ability, I would like to first begin with its basic definition. The word Psychic is derived from the Greek word "Psychikos" meaning from ones mind or a mental sensitivity. Psychic ability is an ethereal perception if you will, that goes beyond the normal senses. It has always been my belief that we all have different levels of psychic ability which is influenced by three main occurrence's.:

Meditation practices and guidance

Traumatic experiences


   My mother for instance was world re known Psychic Yolanda Bard. Through practicing and honing her inherit skills and guided by some of the leading experts of her decade such as Hans Holster, she was able to help thousands of people who sought her advice. When I was a child, she told me that she recognized the gift of insight with in me. I took it as a grain of salt just like any other kid would have even though most kids did not grow up around tarot card readings, exorcism's and seances. It wasn't until my years in the army that i truly began to realize that I had a keen sense on intuition (when you grow up being the son of a psychic, you take phenomenons and strange occurrences as the norm.) . This insight helped me through different episodes of my military career, including saving my life.

   We all have psychic ability and with the proper training and practice can take this ability and mold it into an amazing skill. To know if you have a good foundation to build upon, one must only look into ones past to see the clues your insightful ability has left behind. Take a moment and look back into your life and ask yourself if you have ever had one or more of these experiences:

Have you ever sang a song while driving only to turn on your car radio and hear that exact song playing on the air?

Did you ever have a dream that actually did come true?

Have you ever thought of someone only to have them call you on the phone or bump into you a few minutes later?

On a more serious note, have you ever thought of someone and felt sad that you have not seen them in a while only to find out they have passed away some time later?

   These are just a few examples of what my professional experiences has deemed to be of the Psychic realm. One can inherit this trait as I have and my children have. There is no difference between being a natural athlete, musician or an intuitive. Your innate psychic awareness can also be awakened and amplified by associating yourself with other psychics. Have you ever been with a group of people that always seems to attract unexplained occurrences? Have you ever been friends with someone where you both are able to know what the other may want or maybe be able to finish each others sentences? We take relationships for granted thinking once we know someone, their actions are predictable, but ask yourself how are your predicting their actions, with your mind or with your intuition? My wife as an example, has evolved with her psychic ability even though she does not practice simply because she is surrounded by psychic energy on a regular basis.

   When an individual has a traumatic experience, it can cause a shift or an unlocking of psychic ability because a traumatic experience shocks all of the senses to be open, aware and react to the dramatic situation that has taken place. Through out my career, I have come across people who have had unfortunate events occur to them. From near death experiences, to violent acts of physical and mental abuse. I have been told by peers in the field of psychology that people who have had these traumatic experiences can not cope with the reality that has happened to them, so they make themselves believe they have special powers and abilities to see things that others can not in order to regain some type of control they feel they have lost. I find it curious that these same peers can not explain why some of the people they have mentioned can predict things that are about to take place or know what others are thinking. Their only answer is luck. By the way, these peers have asked me for my psychic advice on several occasions.

   An individual can simply become interested in psychic ability and begin to purchase books and attend seminars on the subject. The sheer fact that you are interested in the psychic realm is proof that deep down, you know that there is another level to your human experience and you are in search for some answers. If you take a trip to Egypt, you will most likely experience the pyramids. If you hear a sad song you will probably experience tears and if you research paranormal subjects you will most definitely experience
unexplained occurrence's in your own life.

   It is my hope that people become more aware of their true potentials. Whether you believe in the power of Psychic ability or not know that true power comes from knowledge. As my mother use to say " the more you know, the more you grow" and to you I say the more you see, the more you experience.

Your personal Psychic and friend for life,
Ron Bard